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Helpful Links

These links can provide you with more general information about Sacred Harp, specific information on the books we use, and helpful information for learning Sacred Harp songs.  

General Information

Main international Sacred Harp website

Sacred Harp Publishing Company

Shape Note Singings

A comprehensive directory of annual and local shape note singings

Specific Books

More information about the Denson edition Sacred Harp book we most commonly sing from across New Mexico

More information about The Shenandoah Harmony, which we sing from regularly in Santa Fe

More information about the Cooper edition, which we sing from regularly in Albuquerque

Learning Sacred Harp

The most complete online compilation of  music, lyrics and midi files of all parts from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Denson Edition  

The most complete online compilation of  music, lyrics and midi files of all parts from Shenandoah Harmony

A YouTube series by Esther Morgan-Ellis that goes through several songs part by part to aid in learning them


You read this far, so here's a bonus video of one of our own singers leading at a large convention, because it's fun to watch.

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